

I chose this cartoon for my topic because most of Arizona’s health insurance is denying healthcare to AZ citizens.  Most people that were able to pay for a premium for Kids Care health insurance have now been either removed from the program, or coverage has stopped for them due to the budgetary cuts.  This cartoon shows that most people that have either lost their jobs and have tried to apply for the states AHCCCS program haven’t been able to due to all of the legislations in place.



I have chosen this picture of a family that has lost there employment and has lost there health insurance.  This picture is just another example of the many families impacted by loss of employment therefore loosing there health insurance. Unfortunately for this family they not only lost their employment but they also lost their health insurance which means that they no longer can afford to be seen when needed or pay for medications that are needed.

Public Advertisement:


I have chosen this picture to display Public Advertisement about Health insurance because governments want to take over health insurance.  What we really need is health insurance for people that need care, so patient’s first, legislations later.  I believe that at times we do lose sight of what is most important.  Has there ever been a time when a family member or a friend has needed care and has been denied services due to not having health insurance. We need to remember what is important and people and their health should come first. 

Famous Speech:

I have chosen this video of President Obama's Healthcare Reform Speech, because it explains what he is trying to do for people that have or don't currently have health insurance. Unfortunately he is planning on this to be set 4 years from now, there are many people without health insurance that need care.